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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


What the hell wrong happening on our countryy... damn... just now.. i watched a video that show our "future prime ministry" (God will) DSAI was doing sex activity... haha... really dammit... bitch for who accused Anwar ibrahim was making it... orang umno ni memang no brain la.. dh tu bersumpah pulak... bile dh kantoi mule rr muke biru.. eii.. x takot azab ke bang... dh rr bnyak makan duit rakyatt.. x kan la x leh pikir.. nk tuduh pon buat rr gempak2 macam omputihh.. nie awal2 dh kantoii.... same rr macam fitnah tahun dulu2... x der beze nye... there isn't different... they think that malays is stupid such as Umno... haha... here i'd like to show the "BUKTI2"... i rase kowrang sume misti boleh pikir nye kan.. aik,, baru sehari rambut dh lebat.. ubat apa pakai
aduhh.. kowrang x der duit ke.. smpai mintak duit najib... jgan lah gitu sngat..yang nie pon satuu.. sumpah liwat, sumpah liwat.. tak takot kene sikse kubur ke cam kt bawah nie.. eii.. ngeri dowhh

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