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Monday, June 27, 2011

got "HARD" tired of everythings

Nothing wanna to say.. just want tell to u all... i've gotten many "JOB" n unjob... (not hand job)... my passport must be renewed today, then prepair myself for going to pahang.. ready my mind to face any challange at my collage... huh... letih gileww... pastu just now kene marah ngan my mom because my damn sister has accused me that i was smoking... hahaha.. really stupid damn thing i've heard when i'd arrived malaysiaa.. it's ok... owh yeahh... notice for u all.. today i'm waking up on 11 am... haha... last night i was staying up for help my mom... haha... maybe just here my "selasa" story... we continue next time yeahhh.. bubyee..

>Don't accuse me oke... i'm a good catt...

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