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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

FASTING... the rest day for muslim..

RAMADHAN... don't realize that Ramadhan was going away without waiting us...
who regrets about these,?? up ur hand... i hope, this Ramadhan will improve our faith.... ameann... ^__^

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Using ur real name...

there was a some guy had been using my name, for tackel a gurl.. haha.. i knew my name is so fantastic.. waaohhh... but, please "syukur" the ("ur") name had given by ur parent laa... kan, kan... don't be a liar la, n hypocrite... hehe... (except my nick name on facebook k... hehe... x pe la tuhh)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stayying up on the night, Sleeping up on the day..

today, my fifth days, i'm not sleeping anymore on the night, waohh.. n as well didn't wake up on the day... all whole day.. arghh... un-normall.. haha.. demi agama, bangsa, dan juga negara.. wahhh (poyo
these pictures just rekaan semata2.. i was sleeping alone k...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Was sleepingg...

haha... today was my relly bad day.. after sahur-ing... i was sleepingg all whole dayy... waohh... mate dh macam pasirr.. haha

Saturday, August 13, 2011

U r not the first, as well the second, but u r the last

Great titlee... what about this post?? haha... really blur rightt.. hurmm... i just wish that u'll be my last.. but u have to reliaze urself that u r not the first... bcoz i knew u more then others...
how r u?? i've spoken, u r my last dear.. nothing gonna be changed, except Allah's plan.. hope u gonna be fine.. anytime, anywhere, n anything.. ((if u want to be loved, be lovable first k))

Friday, August 12, 2011


salaryyy.. i'm still waiting u... come to papa, come to papa.... hehehe... dh kire2 bajet raye 2011... huhuhu... x der rr loaded sngat.. but, POLO LAURENT or ARAMANI tuu.. never mind laa (cap terminal Makmur..) hahaha taun nie ingat malas nk amik duit raye.. tapi kalo my dad give to me... kene amik.. sebab my dad kasi byak gilew... taon nie nk kasi anak sdare, sdare2.. yg laen2 duit raye laa.. singgit pong x per... anyway, hari x byak kojo pongg.. tido jew... tpi masyukk.. elaun bazar, elaun jejalan, elaun isengg (bahasa endon, the mean x de kojo)...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ringgit Malaysia Holidayy..

last friday i went to Maran (pahang lah)... my sweet village.. woahh... was staying there for 3 dayss... feel so villager...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ronnie O'ullivan

hurmm... lme dh x maen snooker... engat lpas pose nnty nk g maen la... woahh... i'm not professional k... but, taking red, black for 10 times.. ahh.. gampangg aja (gampang dalam bahasa Indonesia mudah..) haha...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Arrived airport..

huhu... whole day was staying on indonesia's airport(bandara sukarno hatta)... i was late n left by my flight... huhu... dammit..

so, wait whole day, sleeping on the floor, playing wif trolley, take a bath, macam2 la... Indonesia's airport was my witness for my a day life... i didn't sleep b'coz tomorrow was a first day in Ramadhan,,(fasting lah).. soo tunggu nk sahurr,, sahhur at KFC... haha... the next day, i bought a new ticket for going to Malaysia... yeahh,,, malaysiaa... huhu,, but now, i'm on my lovely house... wuwuw...